Product Manager - Merpay

Salary not provided

Minimum year of experience: 2


Job Description


  • Responsible for creating easy-to-use and convenient products that can be used by a larger customer base. Will be involved in devising new ideas and features required for the service, taking into account trends in the market and customer feedback, while maximizing the customer experience. This involves understanding and empathizing with customers, conducting UX research and behavioral analysis to identify churn factors, and developing methods to improve them.
  • In order to realize new ideas, features, and improvements to existing features, collaboration with cross-functional team members such as engineers, designers, and customer service is essential. The role of a Product Manager in a project that is performed by a cross-functional team, where the number of customers using the service is large, is one that allows for daily growth and a sense of increased influence.
  • Additionally, this position involves planning, development direction, implementation, operation, and analysis of collaborations with the marketing team, such as campaigns.

Towards a Circular Society

  • The Mercari Group aims to create products for a circular society that anyone can use. Therefore, Product Managers strive to create more user-friendly products by being aware of customers from diverse backgrounds and positions.
  • Currently, the way finance works is undergoing significant changes due to technology, and Merpay is actively investing in various new technologies. The opportunity to be involved in service development that can change society is unique to Merpay and provides a sense of excitement.

Required Mindset / Skills

  • Strong alignment with Mercari's mission and values.
  • 2+ years of experience in product management for internet and smartphone products/services or similar experience.
  • Experience in development direction.
  • Passion for product development.

Selection Criteria

  • Proactive individuals with leadership, flexibility, and a sense of urgency.
  • Individuals who are able to actively contribute by constantly proposing improvement ideas.
  • Individuals who are eager for daily growth and are willing to put in the effort.
  • Individuals who can demonstrate their strength in building diverse teams.
  • For more information, please refer to our hiring page.

Language Requirements

  • English: Basic (CEFR - A2) preferred.

  • Japanese: Proficient (CEFR - C1).

    For more details about CEFR, please refer to the link.


Employment Conditions

Employment Type


  • Probationary period: 3 months (same conditions as regular employment)



  • Smoke-free workplace
  • Mercari has a work-style program called "YOUR CHOICE." You are free to choose whether to work at the office or work remotely, except for certain positions.

Working Hours

  • Flextime (No core hours, no fixed hours)

    Please inquire about specific positions when applying.


  • 2 days off per week (national holidays, year-end and New Year holidays, etc.)
  • Paid vacation, condolence leave, relaxation leave, sick leave


  • Monthly salary (including fixed overtime pay)
  • Determined based on skills, experience, and ability
  • Reviewed twice a year


  • Various social insurance benefits

  • Incentive system

  • Support for employees and their families

    For more information, please refer to our benefits page.


  • Relocation support
  • Language learning support
  • Translation and interpretation support

For more information, please refer to our support page.


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