Senior Data Analyst / シニアデータアナリスト - US App

Salary not provided


Minimum year of experience: 5


Job Description


Mercari is a marketplace app that aims to unleash the potential in all people by circulating all forms of value, not just physical things and money. With the mission to connect people worldwide and create a world where anyone can unleash their potential, Mercari is committed to inclusion and diversity in its hiring practices. For more information about Mercari's mission, visit their Culture Doc.

Team’s Mission / Work Responsibilities

The team's mission is to enable data-informed decisions by translating data into insights and actionable recommendations. The specific work responsibilities for this role include:

  • BI Foundations: Develop and maintain data tooling, collaborate with Data Engineering to maintain data pipelines, ensure data integrity, own certain assets such as Looker, and maintain dashboards for key business metrics.
  • BI Operations: Manage day-to-day experimentation setup, review and implementation, define a framework for product and marketing experimentation, support new experiments, and own event tagging/tracking.
  • BI Insights: Provide deep, high-quality business recommendations by tracking and analyzing project impact, analyzing platform-level performance, analyzing user behavior trends, and identifying new opportunities through data mining.

Unique and Bold Challenges

  • Strategic intelligence for winning the US market: Plan and execute strategies to win the US market by tailoring prior experiences and knowledge to the business's situation.
  • Cross functional collaborations: Work extensively across projects, collaborate with various teams, and extend responsibilities when necessary to achieve desired results.
  • Creative thinking with extensive data sets: Utilize BI and FP&A capabilities to creatively analyze data sets and drive results.
  • Creating a new foundation for the team: Contribute to updating team policies and operating systems.

Required Qualifications

  • Shared belief in Mercari Group's mission and values
  • Passion for creating new business opportunities
  • 5+ years of practical experience with data analysis
  • Experience analyzing data using SQL or another programming language
  • Knowledge and skills in basic data operations with SQL
  • Basic understanding of statistics
  • Experience working with product managers
  • Deep understanding of Mercari's products
  • Experience with hypothesis testing and A/B tests

Preferred Qualifications

  • Extensive experience analyzing C2C market data and e-commerce businesses
  • Experience in project and team management
  • Knowledge of the product development cycle
  • Experience creating growth models and setting KPI targets
  • Experience in marketing or advertising business analysis
  • Practical application of statistical analyses using Python, R, etc.

Screening Criteria

  • Ability to establish tailored hypotheses and consider them logically
  • Ability to explain technical concepts in simple terms
  • Ability to think from a user perspective
  • Ability to focus on business impact when solving issues
  • Shared belief in the company's mission and values
  • Explanation of career goals and why Mercari was chosen

Language Requirements

  • Required: English, C1 level
  • Preferred: Japanese, C1 level

To learn more about language requirements and proficiency levels, visit this page.

Working Conditions

  • Employment Status: Full-time with a 3-month probationary period
  • Office: Roppongi (no smoking allowed)
  • Work Hours: Full flextime (some positions may have specific hours)
  • Holidays: Two days off per week, national holidays, paid leave, etc.
  • Salary: Annual salary paid in 12 monthly installments, reviewed twice a year


  • Complete health and social insurance
  • Incentive program
  • Support systems for employees and their families

For more details on benefits, visit this page.


  • Relocation support
  • Language learning support
  • Translation/interpretation support

For more details on support provided, visit this page.


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