Software Engineer, Backend Architect - Merpay

Salary not provided


Job Description



Unlocking the potential in everyone and everything to create a prosperous society

In 2013, Mercari was born from the realization of our founder, Shintaro Yamada, during his world travels, that with limited resources on Earth, we need to make use of what already exists to create a richer society. We believe that by circulating and reusing things, we create value for everyone and fulfill people's potential, while contributing to a more sustainable society.

By leveraging technology, we are connecting people all over the world and enabling them to fulfill their potential. To learn more about Mercari Group's mission, please read our Mercari Culture Doc.

Equal opportunity in the hiring process

At Mercari, we strive to create a society where everyone has the opportunity to freely create value, regardless of their background, and we consider "Inclusion & Diversity" to be essential to achieving our mission.

In our hiring process, we promise to eliminate all forms of discrimination based on age, gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, physical ability, and any other factors, and welcome individuals from diverse backgrounds who resonate with Mercari's mission and values.

For more information, please refer to our I&D statement.

Job Description

Team Mission / Responsibilities

The Backend Architect team is responsible for solving cross-organizational technical challenges to improve the quality, stability, safety, and scalability of our engineering organization and product. As a Backend Architect, you will be responsible for designing the architecture that serves as the foundation for microservice development in the Fintech field, including MelPay and Melcoin.

You will collaborate with Tech Leads and Product Managers to review detailed designs and ensure that they contribute to a consistent overall architecture. You will also continuously learn and incorporate new technologies into our current tech stack and promote their adoption among developers. Additionally, you will work with cross-functional teams such as SRE, Data Platform, and Security to develop mechanisms that make it easier to introduce these technologies.

For more details about Mercari's mission and values, please visit here.

Here are the specific responsibilities:

  • Designing high-level architecture and creating and implementing guidelines and best practices
  • Sharing and introducing common mechanisms across the organization
  • Investigating technical challenges and providing solutions, as well as supporting their implementation
  • Taking a top-down approach to identify and solve technical and organizational problems

Unique Challenges

  • In the Fintech domain, we use a microservice architecture and have over 100 microservices managed by more than 50 teams. As a Backend Architect, you will be responsible for identifying and solving architectural challenges that span these microservices. This requires careful analysis of various trade-offs, but it also allows you to have a significant impact on our systems and services.
  • Given the nature of handling customer assets, achieving a high level of security is crucial. There are also various requirements from the perspectives of IT control and regulatory compliance. We continuously update our architecture to improve the customer experience and development productivity while meeting these requirements.

Required Qualifications

  • Ability to resonate with Mercari Group's mission and values
  • Experience in backend or infrastructure development and operations
  • Experience in designing data models using RDBMS and NoSQL
  • Knowledge and experience using network protocols such as TCP/IP and HTTP
  • Experience in identifying and solving technical issues (e.g., performance degradation)
  • Experience in discovering technical problems and solving cross-functional challenges

Preferred Qualifications

  • Experience in developing applications on cloud platforms such as GCP or AWS
  • Experience in developing systems using container technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes
  • Experience in software development and operation based on microservice architecture
  • Experience in designing secure systems based on authentication and authorization
  • Experience in making technical decisions using DesignDocs or ADRs

Selection Criteria

  • Please refer to the required and preferred qualifications for this role.

For more information, please visit our hiring page.

Technical Challenge Points

  • We review the code created for technical challenges to assess its suitability for implementation in MercPay/Mercoin products. As team development is the premise, we focus not only on the code but also on documentation, ensuring that the review process reflects actual development standards.

For more information, please visit our hiring page.

Language Skills

  • English: Basic (CEFR-A2) - Welcome
  • Japanese: Proficient (CEFR-C1) - Required

For more information about CEFR, please refer to this page.

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Employment Conditions

Employment Type


  • Probationary period: 3 months (same conditions as regular employment)

Office Location


  • Smoking policy: Indoor smoking is prohibited
  • At Mercari, we have a work style called "Your Choice" that allows you to choose whether to work in the office or work fully remotely. (Some positions may be excluded)

Working Hours

  • Flextime system (no core time, no fixed working hours)

    (Please inquire about specific positions when applying)

Holidays / Time Off

  • 2 days off per week (national holidays, year-end and New Year holidays, etc.)
  • Paid leave, condolence leave, relaxation leave, sick leave


  • Monthly salary (including fixed overtime pay)
  • Determined based on skills, experience, and abilities
  • Reviewed twice a year


  • Social insurance coverage
  • Incentive system
  • Assistance for employees and their families

For more details, please visit our benefits page.


  • Relocation support
  • Language learning support
  • Translation and interpretation support

For more details, please visit our support page.


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