Software Engineer Backend (Growth Platform) - Merpay

Salary not provided


Minimum year of experience: 2


Job Description


Circulate all forms of value to unleash the potential in all people

Mercari is a marketplace app that was founded in 2013 by Shintaro Yamada, with the belief that we can create a more prosperous society by finding ways to utilize the limited resources of our planet. Our mission is to circulate all forms of value, not just physical items and money, in order to provide more choices for people to achieve what they want and contribute to society.

At Mercari, we use the power of technology to connect people around the world and create a world where everyone's potential can be realized. To learn more about our vision, please refer to Mercari Culture Doc.

Equal Opportunity Hiring

At Mercari, we strive to create a society where individuals have the opportunity to create value without being limited by their background. We believe that the concept of "Inclusion & Diversity" is essential for us to achieve our mission.

In our hiring process, we promise to eliminate all forms of discrimination based on age, gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, physical ability, or any other factor, in order to attract candidates from diverse backgrounds who share our mission and values.

For more information, please refer to our I&D Statement.

Job Scope

Team mission:

The team is responsible for developing and operating marketing tools, coupons, and point reward systems that contribute to the growth of the entire Mercari Group in Japan, including Mercari, Mercoin, Mercari Shops, and Mercari Hallo. Our goal is to seamlessly integrate these businesses and provide a platform that enables quick and flexible launching of various campaigns and initiatives by different teams within the company, in line with Mercari Group's mission to "Circulate all forms of value to unleash the potential in all people." We collaborate with other engineering teams, data analysts, and machine learning experts to solve complex problems and achieve smart solutions.

For more details about Mercari's mission and values, please visit our Mission & Values page.


  • Working with a highly specialized team within the Mercari Group, each member excels in their respective domains. We communicate openly through channels like Slack, where we discuss architectural design, send each other pull requests on GitHub, and share knowledge on our internal wiki. We also hold weekly study sessions called "Go Friday," open to all members, where engineers can improve their technical skills together. Some members may not have prior experience developing web applications with Go, but they quickly become adept through internal communities and short-term intensive training courses like "Gopher Dojo". By leveraging their expertise, team members not only contribute to Mercari but also establish a presence within the engineering community.

  • Specific job responsibilities include:

    • Development of microservices using Go
    • Designing interfaces between microservices using Protocol Buffers + gRPC
    • Effectiveness measurement and service improvement through quantitative and qualitative analysis of user behavior logs
    • Designing architecture and selecting middleware based on application requirements
    • Performance tuning, monitoring, and alert handling for microservices

Development Environment

  • Programming language: Go
  • Infrastructure: Google Cloud Platform (Compute Engine, Kubernetes Engine, Spanner, Cloud SQL, Storage, Stackdriver Logging, Dataflow, Pub/Sub, etc.)
  • Configuration management tool: Terraform
  • Analytics platform: BigQuery / Looker / Data Studio
  • Monitoring: Stackdriver Monitoring / Datadog / PagerDuty / Sentry
  • CI/CD: Circle CI / Spinnaker
  • Knowledge sharing tools: Crowi / Confluence
  • Other tools: GitHub / Slack
  • Development methodology: Agile (Scrum, Kanban, etc.)

Unique Challenges

  • Supporting campaigns that deliver millions of notifications, coupons, and points daily, processing billions of data points from various services (both internal and external)
  • Implementing products that enhance customer engagement and contribute to company GMV
  • Collaborating with product managers, ML engineers, SREs, and data platform specialists to build scalable solutions that are robust, fast, cost-effective, and secure

Required Qualifications

  • Shared belief in the mission and values of Mercari Group and each company within the group
  • Shared belief in the mission and values of Merpay
  • Knowledge and experience in web application development
  • Designing schemas and creating efficient queries for databases (RDB, NoSQL, etc.)
  • Experience with web application operation/tuning and knowledge of security
  • Experience in software architecture design and middleware selection
  • Ability to take ownership and drive software development

Preferred Qualifications

  • Experience with development and operation using Go and GCP
  • Experience with developing and operating large-scale traffic systems
  • Experience in launching new services and dealing with challenges during the growth phase
  • Experience in leading development teams, management, and process improvement
  • Experience in data analysis with a background in statistical methods

Selection Criteria

  • Relevance of your work experience and qualifications to the required and preferred qualifications

Please refer to our Hiring page for more details.

Language Skills

  • Possess one of the following language skills:

    a. English: Proficient (CEFR - C1) / Japanese: Basic (CEFR - A2)

    b. English: Basic (CEFR - A2) / Japanese: Proficient (CEFR - C1)

    * For details about CEFR, see here

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Employment Conditions

Employment Type

Full-time employee

  • Probationary period: 3 months (same conditions as regular employees)

Office Location


  • Smoking is prohibited indoors
  • Mercari offers a work style option called "Your Choice" that allows employees to choose between working in the office or working remotely. Please note that certain roles may be exempt from this option.

Working Hours

  • Flextime (no core time or flexible time)

    * Some positions may have different working hours. Please inquire when applying.

Holidays & Time Off

  • Sundays and public holidays
  • Annual paid leave, bereavement leave, relaxation leave, sick leave


  • Monthly salary (includes fixed overtime allowance)
  • Determined based on skills, experience, and abilities
  • Salary review twice a year


  • Comprehensive social insurance benefits

  • Incentive program

  • Support system for employees and their families

    * See the Benefits page for more details.


  • Relocation support

  • Language learning support

  • Translation and interpretation support

    * See the Support page for more details.

Media & Resources

Corporate Websites

Owned Media